Sunday BARB Up November 26, 2016

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Well, I’ve walked the dog and fed him and now I’m eating breakfast, housemade granola I purchased from Irving Farm. Soon, the Teenager will be awake; our friend Steve will be taking our holiday card photo today, another tradition, the card plus the photographer. How lucky am I that my dear friend is so talented? Afterwards, he and I will mozy on down to Jacques Torres where we will treat ourselves to a cup of hot chocolate and fine dining of the cacao variety.  (It’s a great day to do all of this; Shutterfly is having an epic sale on cards and stuff!)

I love a Sunday like this. I love a Sunday where I’m with people I love. (I don’t mind a lazy Sunday, by the way, but I usually use my Saturdays for that.) And the light is gorgeous out today. Win, win.

Say What Now: A major pet peeve of mine are articles that advise you, the parent, on raising the most successful kid. I don’t know that there is a “true” formula, really. Kids are wired differently to each other. But I know for a fact that whether a woman works inside the home or outside the home bears no short term influence, and this I know from watching my friends children. The Mom of my daughter’s Harvard bound best friend is a housewife, for example. Housewives do not get the credit they deserve for the work they do maintain a household. It pisses me off.  Yes, there’s data that refutes my hifalutin claim, but fuck the numbers. You know what you know.

What is the Color Of Beauty, asks the New York Times. Finally.

The Casual Sex Project. OMG THIS IS MY FAVORITE THING EVER. Because: sex is sex. At any age. Women should be having orgasms all the time! Okay, this is for a future article, my views on sexual embracement. But. This, Casual Sex Project? Whether you write your own story or read others, it’s so the best.

Shirley Manson, you rule. “”I think any woman that breaks conventional rules, stereotyping, is fighting the good fight.”

Tomorrow is cyber Monday and here’s a short list of sex-toy deals. Get on it!


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