Wednesday BARB Up, January 18, 2017

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How is it already Wednesday?

I love Instagram. It’s a fun slide show. I have a BARB Insta (please follow), I have one devoted to my dog, Rocky, and I have a personal one, that is also known as a Finsta. A Finsta is a “fake” Instagram: one that, in general, doesn’t use your actual name (in fact, for my Finsta to be a true Finsta, I ought to name it something like Karpe Diem), it’s private, and its followers are a limited group of your actual friends. And what I really like about the Finsta is that it can in fact, be a private platform where you can put photos of yourself asking for immediate feedback from your friends (“do you like this red lipstick on me?”), or post a photo of a book you’re reading, and the need for validation (a “like”) is not imperative. Your Finsta is yours. And who you share it with is your choice. And that–that sense of empowerment in the age of sharing–is what I like most.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche on Michelle Obama. “I realized then that she hadn’t been waiting to exhale these past eight years. She had been letting that breath out, in small movements, careful because she had to be, but exhaling still.”

Intersectionality and the Women’s March: an explanation. “Intersectionality simply means that there are lots of different parts to our womanhood. And those parts — race, gender, sexuality, and religion, and ability — are not incidental or auxiliary. They matter politically.” — Brittney Cooper.

We’re having more sex! Yippie! (In fact, I was recently offered 300 dollars to have sex with someone substantially younger than me, after I’d mentioned I was broke AF. That story, in detail, is coming. So yay!)

Anytime I see the name Rebecca Solnit, I know I’m about to get ten times smarter about whatever she has to say. “‘Identity politics’ is a codeword for talking about race or gender or sexual orientation, which is very much the way we’ve talked about liberation over the last 160 years in the US. By that measure Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Ida B. Wells, Rosa Parks, Bella Abzug, Ella Baker, Bayard Rustin, Malcolm X, Del Martin and Harvey Milk were just lowly practitioners of identity politics, which we’ve been told to get over.”

Abortion rates are lower than ever. Cecile Richards: “It shows that we’re finally doing a better job of helping women get access to birth control that’s affordable and that’s high-quality.”

Can you buy a sex toy at a drugstore? I know that I can buy a ton at Adam & Eve. And I know for a fact that old reliable, the Magic Wand, can be bought on  here all the time.

Yes! A connection between migraines and PEOTUS!

And now, have a laugh with Janeane Garofalo.


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