Thursday BARB Up January 19, 2017

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The Women’s March, that’s occurring globally, is on everyone’s mind; I’d be remiss not to say a few words.

I’m going to the March, in New York. I’ll be taking photos, and posting them throughout the coming weeks and I, like so many others, will be wearing my pussy hat. Yes, New York. You don’t have to go to DC if you can’t go to DC. You can show up in your own community. I know some of us have young children and no one to watch them or some of us live too far away from a hub or someone of us just can’t deal with a crowd; if you can’t physically be there, use social media to show your support by reposting photos and articles you see on all your social media. We can all show up on Saturday. And that’s what’s important.

Here are some suggestions on what to bring with you. Here’s a list of speakers at the DC March. 16 comics on PEOTUS. The Women’s March website, where, if you plan to march, please register, the numbers matter. And here is the mission statement: “We are empowered by the legions of revolutionary leaders who paved the way for us to march, and acknowledge those around the globe who fight for our freedoms. We honor these women and so many more. They are #WHYWEMARCH.”

This too (I found on Facebook, someone said it was from Elizabeth Warren, but I can’t seem to find it on her Facebook page.)
“Keep your cool. Do not offer personal information to unsolicited requests. Stay to the edges of the crowd. Have a meet-up-if-you-get-separated plan. Do not count on your cellphones. Write important information on your forearm in Sharpie. It will wash off eventually. Stay hydrated and never pass up an opportunity to use a toilet. And, for goodness sake, wear the right shoes and **don’t carry anything you can’t lose**. LISTEN to the energy and calmly leave if you have any doubts about anything.
Also, Download “I’m Getting Arrested”, an app that with one push of a button sends info to your family, lawyer, Lawyer’s Guild, ACLU, etc. that you have been arrested at a peaceful demo at a specific location. Avoid having your picture taken – don’t pose for photos – and as the post states don;t fill out ANY surveys or give out any info.”

I deleted my Tinder app this morning. That story is forthcoming. But, this caught my eye, the question as to whether you ought to let your Tinder match control your vibrator. (My answer, well, if you’re having sex, why not?) Oh wait, it’s controlling your vibrator through an app. Now there’s an interesting twist.

Other forthcoming things: more Transitions, book and music reviews, vibrator reviews and first person stories!!! If you want to write, LET ME KNOW.

Ali Wong. “My husband occasionally changes diapers and people can’t believe it—‘What a doting father!’ I was doing skin-on-skin contact with my baby girl to bond with her: she shit on my chest. Where’s my trophy at?”

And now have a laugh with Laurie Kilmartin.


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