Monday BARB Up January 23, 2017

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women's march january 2017-12If you are here, than you are here with me. And that’s how I felt on Saturday, January 21, 2017, when I walk with thousands of others through the streets of New York for the Women’s March. The harmony. The sense of spirit. Of safety. Note that there was little police or army presence. There was however  support. From those of us who shudder at the reality we are in, who mourn the transition from one revered President in Barack Obama to this new one.

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If you asked people why they marched, you may get different answers. But that we were all there was for one reason, and one reason only: to be seen. We are not the invisible. We are the citizens of this world. And we want to be seen by those within the gilded cage of the White House.

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In Washington DC, women stood on a stage and spoke to the world. Alicia Keys said,”We will not allow our bodies to be owned and controlled by men in government or any men anywhere for that matter. We will not allow our compassionate souls to get stepped on. We want the best for all Americans. No hate. No bigotry. No Muslim registry. We value education, healthcare and equality.” Hillary Clinton tweeted to us, “Scrolling through images of the is awe-inspiring. Hope it brought joy to others as it did to me.” In Boston, Elizabeth Warren said,“We can whimper, we can whine, or we can fight back. Me? I’m here to fight back. We come here to stand shoulder to shoulder to make clear: We are here, we will not be silent, we will not play dead, we will fight for what we believe in.” Aziz Ansari used his monologue on SNL to tell us this: “If you’re scared about Trump and you’re very worried, you’re going to be okay, too. ’Cause if you look at our country’s history, change doesn’t come from presidents. Change comes from large groups of angry people. And if Day 1 is any indication, you are part of the largest group of angry people I have ever seen.” One of my closest friends who lives in Paris emailed me and said, “Women’s March is for you today.” And by you, she meant us all.

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At the Women’s March in NY, we stood around until we began walking around. As I looked above me, at the office buildings, women and men put signs in the window, telling us they were with us. “We Support You!” As I looked to my left and to my right, I smiled at people who smiled back at me. The joy in unity. The JOY in unity can not be denied.

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My friends were everywhere, all over the world. You’ve seen the aerial photos of marches all over the world. All. Over. The. World. On Saturday, I stood with all of them, as I will do so, and have been, for all the days of my life. We’re here, we’re here, we’re here.

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Today, I’m proud to present Nina Lorez Collins in our Transitions Series. I marched with Nina’s Facebook group; sisters in arms we all were.


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And now, have a laugh with Janeane Garofalo.



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