Transitions: Nina Lorez Collins

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I met Nina Lorez Collins through a confidential group she runs on Facebook for women over 40. So very BARB. I liked her immediately; warm, funny, and that intrinsic thread that I’m seeing amongst ladies us—knowing that there’s so much more in us—ran rapidly between us. I was immediately comfortable with Nina, rare for me. While we spoke, I noticed over her shoulder, a tower of books—all feminist tomes—that were an exact replica of what is on my shelf. If there’s ever anything that reminds you of what binds you to another, it’s the crossover of a book collection. As I left, she graciously gave me a copy of her mother’s, the great Kathleen Collins, book, Whatever Happened to Interracial Love. And that is how you know you want to be friends with someone: when they give you a book off their shelves, as books are sacred.

What is your name?  Nina L Collins.

How old are you?  47.

If you were to give your 20 years ago self any advice what would it be? Get a lot of therapy.

What is your biggest concern for yourself for the next ten years? I hope that I can be disciplined enough to fulfill whatever creative expectations I have of myself.

Nina final

What is your relationship situation? Married 2 years to my second husband (the father of my four children and I divorced ten years ago).

How do you define work? That which stimulates and excites you and hopefully earns you a paycheck?

How do you define relaxation? Peace, quiet, joy, anything that settles my mind and limbs.

What is your favorite band/artist?  Nina Simone.

How has your definition of feminism evolved over your lifetime? I feel stronger every year – more confident about what I have to offer and how I can take care of myself and others, so I suppose I’d say that my definition of feminism has become more clear as I’ve become more clear myself about myself as a woman in the world.







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