Tuesday BARB Up, February 7, 2017

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It’s a rainy Tuesday here in New York. That means, for me, I get to slosh around in my rain boots, which is my favorite shoe gear.

Oh Hillary. Seeing you speak to women, telling us to lead and speak out, you inspire me. “…never doubt you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and every opportunity in the world.”

Here’s Part 2 of my interview with Dana Marlowe, founder of Support The Girls. STG donates bras and feminine hygiene products to women in need. Donate your things now!

The NY Times is keeping track of the first 100 days. If you can bear to check.

So lovely to see the great Bridget Everett in the Times.

Why whales leap into the air like they just don’t care.

A plea to look after the aged.

Hygge hygge ho.

If you’re thinking about  a career change, how about life coaching it?

Apparently, it’s cuffing season.

Milestone: Wayne’s World came out 25 years ago! Excellent!

Now have a laugh with Ellen Degeneres.



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