Transitions: Paulette Beete

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Paulette Beete is a member of the women’s group I’m a part of; that’s how I “met” her, online. I was so happy when she volunteered to be a part of the Transitions series, and even more thrilled as I discovered the wonders about her. Enjoy!

What is your name?

Paulette Beete.

How old are you?


If you were to give your 20 years ago self any advice what would it be?

Get into therapy as soon as possible!

What is your biggest concern for yourself for the next ten years?

I’ve never been great at managing my finances (although I’m getting better.) I worry that I won’t be able to pay off all my debt. I also worry that even though I make a decent salary, I’ll be priced out of my neighborhood where I’ve lived for the last 11 years, and where I was planning to grow old.

What is your relationship situation?

I’m single, never married—for various reasons. Some days, I still want to get married. Other days, I can’t imagine giving up my single life. Also, does having an ongoing crush on Jon Hamm, Michael Fassbender, and Mahershala Ali count as a relationship?

How do you define work?

Work is any task that starts with “should” or “have to.” Sometimes you get paid for them, sometimes you don’t

How do you define relaxation?

Relaxation is the absence of tasks that start with “should” or “have to.” Curiously, I get a lot more stuff done around my apartment and “at work” when I’m in a state of relaxation as opposed to staring down a list of “have tos.”

How has your definition of feminism evolved over your lifetime?

My freshman year in college, my best friend and I got into an argument. It was about someone we’d gone to high school with who had long decided she wanted to be a wife and mother more than anything. My friend thought that was anti-feminist. I thought that was great and decided feminism wasn’t for me if it meant you couldn’t choose to be a homemaker. These days I realize my friend was wrong, and I was right. Feminism IS about choice. And in the best case, it’s about intersectionality too, and I don’t think you can be a true feminist if you don’t also embrace intersectionality.

What is your favorite band/artist?

Honestly, my answer changes to this every day. And the older I get, it’s not just about the music, it’s about who the performer is as a person. For now, let’s say Lucinda Williams, Brandy Clark, Janelle Monae, Adele, Valerie June, Christian Kane, Patsy Cline, and basically anyone from the 80s. (But really, if you ask me this again tomorrow, you’ll get a totally different answer!)

Thank you so much Paulette!!!!






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