Friday BARB Up March 24, 2017

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A bunch of random thoughts, strung together: I don’t write much—okay hardly at all—about this version of a President we have now but I really, really enjoyed reading this statement of his: “I’m President and you’re not.” Yo, this isn’t the Chevy Chase hour. If you have any interest in writing about him, please, send your piece to me here. ***  I’m looking forward to the weekend, I just want two days of not waking up at 7; if only I could convey that missive to my dog, Rocky. (Follow him on Instagram!) ***  I’ve also changed my fitness routine to doing the elliptical in the morning, instead of at night, because it turns out I have more energy in the morning, except today, because The Teenager has a half-day which means, an Xbox fest for her and her friends are happening in my living room this afternoon (I’m sure I will post about it on the BARB Instagram) and being around that? Not so fun. More fun for me to be on the elliptical than listening to XBox speak, *** And finally, I am obsessed with these three bands and you ought to listen to them too: Spiral Stairs’ “Doris & The Daggers,” Spoon’s Hot Thoughts and Hiccup’s Imaginary Enemies. Get them all and check out my interview with Hiccup’s Hallie Bulliet! *** That’s it for now, have a great weekend!

Michelle Obama is up and about.

Nevada passed the ERA. You rule. Who is next?

Implants that are bad.

Andi Zeigler: “Right now, especially in the wake of the election there are many more brands that are really grabbing onto feminism and being like, okay, this is a good way to sell products that have nothing to do with feminism or progress. Marketplace feminism comes to steal the show from more explicit active feminism.”

Theresa May gets glam.

Chelsea Clinton tweets.

Hot Girls Wanted, the series is back.

Sex stuff.

Choose the gym that’s works for you.

Seth Meyers’ A Closer Look is my favorite thing on TV/World.

And now have a laugh with Maria Bamford.


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