Wednesday BARB Up March 29, 2017

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I was stuck in the paralysis of grief for most of 2016; it wasn’t until the election that I woke up from my stupor. I am the most politicized I have ever been, and that includes the 90’s, when I was at the forefront of Third Wave Feminism. Political discourse is not something that belongs only to the bastion of millennials; for us Gen X-ers, who have been methodically planning for our next act, every single thing is at stake. Anytime I’m out for a meal, there is always someone to my left or to my right (and sometimes both), discussing something related to What’s His Name or any of those White Guys in Power. I used to roll my eyes anytime someone would bring up the words “policy”; now, I want to know exactly what the person is talking about and how it affects me. I watch Seth Meyers A Closer Look specifically to listen to him unpack the latest White House kerfuffle. I never miss an episode of Samantha Bee. And I listen religiously to podcasts like Pod Save America and Five Thirty Eight. I hear and watch other people who are as outraged, in disbelief, and as concerned as I am. It makes me feel less alone. Less crazy. Not any less frightened, but at least I’m in good company. And so are you.

Maxine Waters: “I am a strong black woman, and I cannot be intimidated. I cannot be undermined.”

RIP Sweetie.

United Airlines, come on.

Mythbusting the journey of grief.

Podcast of the moment: Stoner. Yes a podcast about weed.

SNL’s highlights of this season thus far, through a feminist lens.


Vibrators, according to Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin.

Kate Tempest performs Europe Is Lost.

Libraries are also in jeopardy.

Sex stuff.

Now have a laugh with Maria Bamford.



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