Tuesday BARB UP April 11, 2017

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And so I begin visiting colleges with The Teenager. On Monday, we went to Yale. I’ve never been to the Yale campus. Oh, it’s legend, I am well aware of. But the school? No. I didn’t have the experience my daughter is having, of touring colleges when I was a junior or senior in high school. My parents were not assimilated enough into American culture to understand its urgency. I was not independent enough, nor did I have enough initiative, to pursue investigating what higher education would look like. I followed orders; my high school gave us just enough tools for me to apply to the local city college. Which, in retrospect, was a disaster for me, the first inkling in my personality to a latent depression, one that seizes me when I’m overwhelmed. I went along, because I went along. I did not present a list of colleges to my parents—as The Teenager has done with me—of schools I’d like to apply to. So visiting Yale? It’s visiting a world I didn’t have the opportunity to. I’m an interloper, of course. But the possibility of my child living campus life, one bathed in Gothic overtones, filled me with joy. The whole day, in fact, was joyful. From the Metro-North train ride to arriving on campus. Walking around with 30 or so other people—parents and their hopeful children—and listening to the tour guide (a freshman at Yale) explain the history of this school, on a cloudless sunny day, I felt happy. Whether or not The Teenager is one of the 14% of non-legacy students accepted into this school is not my concern; rather, whether The Teenager can see herself here—or any of the other schools we see this week—is.

Danai Gurira: “[I have] to pursue excellence, because I understand that there’s so many talented Black women out there that don’t often get the opportunities that they could or should.”

What is this F-word anyway?

The Eileen Fisher in you quiz.

Ovarian Rhapsody.

There’s a lot of obsession with rape in the pop culture, so what is up with that?

So in addition to menopause and our hair thinning out, we will also sleep less. WTF?

Are there any influential beauty gurus over 40?

Are you thinking about getting a genital piercing?

Sex stuff.

And now, have a laugh with Ellen Degeneres.



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