Monday BARB UP May 8, 2017

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Some random things:

***I woke up on Saturday and decided, time to break up with Tinder. Oh there are the obvious reasons: I am not seeing men as I swipe that I want to connect with. The lack of humanity involved in shopping for humans is becoming obscene. How everyone is younger. Tinder is turning out to be a time suck. Oh any of these could qualify as a good enough incentive to step away from the flame. But really? I am taking time off from Tinder. And yes, for the record: I would like to be off all the dating apps, permanently. I would like to be in a relationship. With someone I like. Huge requirement that one.

***I’ve discovered Sense8 on Netflix. I’m hooked on American Gods. I’m so looking forward to Master of None and I Love Dick. And I don’t need to watch Homeland now that they’ve killed off my favorite character.

***I’m so worried about health insurance. Mine is expiring soon and I’m not sure what avenues I have. So thanks Trumpiasco.

***I had dinner this weekend with a friend of mine whom I’ve been friends with for over twenty years. Twenty years! Yes. There’s something exquisite about having a friend I’ve known since my child-free days. Those friends have a 360 perspective on me, that is road-weary and earned. It’s nice to be able to look across the table and know she knows so many of the things I know about me.

***I was on pins and needles about the election in France. And I was very Viva La France when Macron won.

***I finished reading The Girl in Cabin 10; enjoyed it very much. Quick read, fast pace, and an unreliable narrator? Sign me up. Now I’m immersed in Neil Gaiman’s Norse Mythology and I suspect I will devour it as I did Ruth Ware’s Cabin 10.

***I listened to Pod Save America and Five Thirty Eight with great intent this weekend, looking for more clarity on the Trumpiasco. The Short Answer? We need to show up and fight, have our voices heard. Call your Senators. There is power in the people.

***I’m ready for Spring, by the way.


Taraji. Maxine. Tracee.

Jamie Denbo is the bomb. “Old white men, enjoy your last run. We are all f*cking done with you lizards.”

Every so often, a young feminist will tell me her take on the F-Word. I’m always curious to hear what she has to say. And when I read this quote  “There is no such thing as white feminism. Because if it’s white, it’s not feminism. It’s either talking about all women, or it’s not,” which Gloria Steinem said, I was reminded that it’s good to listen to your elders.

Senator Diane Feinstein: “And it’s all male. And women’s health is a big part of this, and women are a majority of the population, and their health interests deserve to be contemplated in any reform.”

And Debra Winger is pounding the pavement press wise as she promotes her move, “The Lovers” which I very much want to see.

Martha Stewart continues to be rad.

Mother’s Day is almost here and KFC is on it!

Potty mouth in the office, ooh la la.

Teen suicide rates are up, sadly.

I will eat quinoa. I will eat kale. I’m not sold on acai.

And now, have a laugh with Wanda Sykes.


Photo by Jason Rice.



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