Tuesday BARB UP May 9, 2017.

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Once a month, I produce a live stand up show at the Upright Citizen’s Brigade Theatre in the East Village. It is one of the highlights of my month, for a number of reasons.  The Teenager is the host. Watching comics hit the funny bone of an audience. The house staff is exemplary, kind, cooperative. It gets me out of my home. But the main reason is because I love the UCB. I have for years been a habitue of the Theatre. It’s always been a warm and welcoming place. Even as a patron, I have always felt I’m part of a community, just by walking through the doors, taking a seat, and breathing in the people on its stages. I return, over and over again, always to be awed, never disappointed. I need to laugh. I just do. And at UCB, I can get that fix. I am not a performer. I am a spectator. And to stand/sit in the dark, in the midst of a room filled with strangers, while watching talented comics and improvisors on a stage, spinning a world out of their imagination, imbuing an audience with their silliness and their intelligence, giving us a momentary respite is invaluable to my soul.  That’s the power of comedy. And in particular, the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre.

Thank you Sally Yates.

We’re starting to see Michelle Obama out and about. YAY.

I love seeing Elizabeth Warren being a Baller.

Chimamanda does a world proud.

As does Zainab Ahmad, who goes after terrorists.

Michelle Wolf explains it all.

Marcon telling people to back off; when powerful men become the center of misogyny, it’s interesting to watch.

Sarah Silverman says inspiring things.

Debbie Allen:  “I don’t get much time to look back and celebrate myself because there’s always something to do or a fire to put out or a project to start. There’s always so much to do. So it’s a nice moment for me.”

The kind of Trump that makes you laugh, as imagined by Anthony Atamanuik.

Negotiating a salary.

And now have a laugh with Wanda Sykes.





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