Monday BARB UP May 22, 2017.

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Monday. Writer’s block. Oh, the joys of it. I am trying to come up with a new writing project for myself. Every year, I give myself one writing project, that will last me the year to do. Last year, it was my beloved Vampire Detective novel, the year before that, a coming of age story set in Fire Island. And right now, there is no story within that’s bursting to the forefront. I haven’t had this level of writer’s block in years. It’s almost scary. Because I feel prolific. And yet…where’s that story that wants to be told, to be written and read by myself? Oh, yes, these writing projects? They are mostly for myself. To keep the muscle active. I love to write. I love, love, love it. So this writer’s block is a nuisance. Standing in between me and what I love. Accepting any and all tips to help alleviate my burden!


Connie Britton. “I really really want [my characters] to be reflective of the women that I see in the world.”

If you haven’t seen the Hunting Ground documentary, do so now. It is about the pervasive rape allowance on college campuses. Yes.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is back in all her feminist glory.

Running a marathon at age 70? NBD,

Dumb questions on what a feminist is.

I love college students. Sometimes.

On Women’s Health.

How do you keep goldfish alive? I’m barely managing with my succulents.

Shark stuff.

And now have a laugh with Sasheer Zamata.

photo credit: John Hughes


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