Friday BARB UP May 26, 2017.

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And now it’s time for a Day In The Life.

I wake up to a text, accompanied with LCD Soundsystem’s All I Want. It’s 7:34. I need to move it, move it, move it. Rocky waiting impatiently to eat. Drag my body to the kitchen. Feed Rocky. Prep The Teenager’s lunch. The apartment is chilly. It’s damp outside. I jump in the shower. Desperate attempt to revive. Get dressed. Chatter with The Teenager. Take Rocky out. My eyes are half-open. The elevator is still out of order. More reparations. We walk down nine flights of stairs. Headphones on. Pod Save America podcast in my ears. Walk/drag Rocky around the block. He is not a fan of wet pavement. Can’t fault him for that. Return to the apartment. The Teenager is gone. Lola the pitbull however is in the house. Samantha left him while I was out with Rocky. I don’t take my phone with me when I walk Rocky; I need the respite. There are texts and emails awaiting. I answer everything. Grab my gym bag. Other things. I’m on the elliptical by 9am. It’s a good work out. Watch another episode of the second season of Master of None. I’m into it. I shower. I leave my gym bag in the lobby of my building. Head downtown. Need to sort out health insurance. I take the 1 train to Houston. Get a Starbucks. The rain. It’s a life suck. I’m running on fumes. I’m physically drained. The anxiety eating away at me. What awaits. I get to the health insurance office. The person I need to speak to? He’s there. Charming. Updating me on 70’s era stars who have died. Mary Tyler Moore. Mike Connors. Roger Moore. We wonder about Sean Connery. I’m done with paperwork by noon. Hopeful. Relieved that I made the trip to the office. I head to the Upper East Side. Another appointment. Another hour of not answering emails and texts. By 3, I’m in Union Square, playing catch up. Meet with a writer. Turns out, two writers? Have lots to discuss. No phone checking. By 4:30, I’m heading back uptown. Frantically catching up again. Home in time for the 5pm call with The Teenager’s publisher’s legal team. Now there’s a call. Questions. More questions. The Teenager answers everything, patiently. I just monitor. When the call is over, I meet Samantha and we take the dogs out. It’s a long walk. I’m still groggy. But it’s okay now. The couch is waiting to comfort me.

Janet Mock: “There’s a burden of responsibility for me to show up correct — in my head, if I don’t do it right, then I’ll get shut out, and then other trans women of color will be shut out.”

Reshma Saujani: “We train girls to be perfect — to please and play it safe, to follow the rules, and to always get straight A’s. The result? Girls are kicking you-know-what in the classroom, but falling behind in the real world. Because in the real world, success is a product of bravery, not perfection.”

Deborah Tannen: “‘Friend’ means something different to different people.”

Showrunners, like Kulap Vilaysack.

Good things that come out of a marriage ending.

There is a science to comedic timing.

Period stuff.

And now have a laugh with Janeane Garofalo.

photo credit: John Hughes


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