Monday BARB UP August 7, 2017.

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I started BARB for myriad reasons, and placing value upon a woman’s employabity is tantamount. Most people need to work, and in most of those cases, until they’re ready to retire. Oh, how I do admire the women and men I meet who have retired at age 50. How did they do it, I often wonder. (Obviously, they made sound financial decisions.) I have a friend who, when she found herself on this dark side of neglect by an industry that she was instrumental in building, decided to live off the interest of her savings account. Now that woman? She should have been hired for savvy forecasting. To be unemployed at any age is frightening—rent has to be paid, after all. To be ignored by recruiters and employers is devastating, and even more so, when you have so much to offer. In the case of women who are over 50, we have experience, we have careers, we have a roadmap of success. To be discounted because of an age, because we remind you of your moms, because because because? No. It’s unacceptable. We are out here. We are legions of people who can do the work. I’m not interested in coasting or eating ramen noodles; I’m here to make a difference. I have in my past and I will in my now. Women have for centuries carried the business of livelihood. Stepping into the new paradigm, with our experience. Hold strong, ladies. There’s a place for us. We may have to dig, but we’ll find it.

Lisa Bloom on her mom, Gloria Allred: “My mom has always been an inspiration to me since I was a teenager and she started becoming an advocate not only for women, but for people of color, for union members — she used to be the head of our local teachers union before she was a lawyer and I would be on picket lines with her when I was a little kid.”

Jeannette Walls: “I think I was playing a role, acting the part of this perfect New York City media flinty gal, wearing this little dress-for-success outfit. Really, I was trying to fit in. The first time I was on a red carpet, I couldn’t believe it.”

Danzy Senna wrote a book, New People.

Black Girls Rock.

Be part of the #bodyposi squad.

Women built the internet.  As per Walter Isaacson: “If it wasn’t for Ada Lovelace, there’s a chance that none of this would even exist.”

How vital is a female character’s presence in a film? Apparently, not much.

Fit at Fifty.

Sex stuff.

And now have a laugh with Janeane Garofalo.


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