Lady Parts: A BARB Beauty Series
by Stacy Conde
This edition: Keeping Up With The Greys
featuring Chris Rios
I remember my mom warning me, “Once you start coloring your hair, you’ll be at it for the rest of your life.” My mom, a fair skinned, dark haired 2nd generation Scottish/Romanian kept her hair dark until her early 70s. She was right.
I have thought long and hard about going grey and how to do it gracefully. While I have visions of glimmering grey-glam locks ala Emmylou Harris, my reality is likely more “Grey Gardens.” I’ll procure a good headscarf. You can call me Little Edie.
Thank the beauty gods for providing us with so many solid boxed color options. You can get really good at DIY hair color. There’s no shame in that. You can fool your friends, but you can’t fool your stylist. And that’s ok.

It may be all the rage amongst the twenty somethings to pay to have grey colored hair but let’s be honest, the minute we see our little white sprouts, the disgust and stress that ensues is not fun!
I have a client swear to me that when she turned 50 she was not going to color her hair anymore, that she was going to let her hair go natural…that lasted about a month and she was back in the salon to have those grey roots covered up ASAP. I have 70 year-old clients that STILL color their hair! I understand; I cannot stand seeing the first glimmer of grey on my own hairline. I have the luxury of working in a salon so I can cover my roots every week if I wanted to and I practically do 🙂
But I can’t expect my clients or any woman to physically or financially come to the salon more than once a month to banish those greys.
There are many at home box colors that you can use in between salon visits that are easy and user friendly. And for those in between salon visits, on vacation or the I-just-can’t-look-at-my-grey-temples-a-minute-longer applications, you need only to apply color around hairline and where you part your hair to get you through until you see your beloved hairstylist.
If you are going to go the home-apply route (and I urge you to go for it), ask your stylist what color/level you should use when purchasing a drug store box color. In addition, the home color industry has made it very easy to go online and match your color with their Q & A as well.
Here is my video on Madison Reeds at home Color.
And also, the L’OREAL, Redken, and Clairol all have at home kits that will get you the hue light you want!

Chris began her career in hair twenty years ago as an apprentice for Allen Edwards himself. Since then her sought-after ability and positive force has taken her all over the globe, making her one of the most traveled people in the hair industry. She has worked with top notch megastars on major music videos, movies and red carpet events; and top models for magazine spreads and ad campaigns. Chris has a passion for bringing high fashion looks to everyday women and men. Her salon clientele ranges from sixteen year old fashionistas to the stylish, hot moms of Los Angeles.
Chris’ celebrity clientele includes, Janet Jackson, Robert Pattinson, Jessica Simpson, Shelley Hennig, Jimmy Fallon, Dana Carvey, Mariska Hargitay, Sylvester Stallone, ZZ Ward and Jim Belushi.
Follow her on Instagram: @chrisriosbeauty
YouTube: CHRIS RIOS BEAUTY hair, make up and fashion tutorials as well as numerous tutorials for the Sally Hershberger YouTube Channel