Monday BARB Up September 18, 2017

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There’s so much to say about so much that’s happened over the last few days—Lena Waite for being the first African American woman to win an Emmy for writing, Julia Louis Dreyfus winning her millionth Emmy,  Cindi Leive leaving Glamour, Hillary’s book coming out and so much more—but it is Amber Tamblyn’s Op Ed piece that stopped me in my tracks this weekend. She captured that thick feeling of dread women, myself included, feel when we are in search of support, when we are in need of back up, when we are trapped in a corner, no way out: “For women in America who come forward with stories of harassment, abuse and sexual assault, there are not two sides to every story, however noble that principle might seem. Women do not get to have a side. They get to have an interrogation.” She wraps up the piece with reminding women to not back down, to keep speaking up, to continue to fight. It is an important call to action; this weekend, I was at my friend’s home, at a lunch table filled with women of all ages. One of the things continually repeated, particularly from the women of my generation, was the importance of supporting the women in your professional as well as your personal circle. The more we stick together, the better off we are, is the thinking. For when you do find yourself in a corner, whether it is at a corporation filled with patriarchal cronyism or lured into a casting couch scenario, it is not simply what you do in the moment, but what you do with the aftermath: speaking up. Tapping into that great resource of women you know. A lawyer, a friend, a mom. Indignation, anger, resilience is equity as is using your network, your power, your voice. It’s the path to change.

Hillary:   “I was more devastated than angry. Just overwhelmed. I tried to ground myself in what I was feeling. And what I felt was profound disappointment, worry for the path forward, and that I had let people down.”

Lena Waithe: “The things that make us different, those are our superpowers. Every day when you walk out the door and put on your imaginary cape and go out there and conquer the world. Because the world would not be as beautiful as it is without us in it.”

America Ferrara: “We women know this tactic well: how to walk into a room and make everyone feel comfortable with our intelligence, not threatened by it. How to bring up great ideas that we help them think are theirs. We’re trained for that from Day 1. But I’m troubled by this notion that change has to happen when everyone is ready for it. There has to be a space where women get to be angry, where we get to call things what they are.”

Stephanie Hicks: “You shouldn’t have to choose between working and breastfeeding.”

Lady Parts is back! With a take on how to Keep Up With The Grays, featuring Chris Rios!

Maybe there is a baby boom about to…oh I don’t know.

And now have a laugh with Caroline Rhea.



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