Lady Parts: Love The Skin You’re In

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Lady Parts: A BARB Beauty Series

by Stacy Conde

This edition:  Love The Skin You’re In

featuring Kristen Perman

 I met Kristen Perman recently at a friend’s BBQ/pool party. We talked about bathing suits … and how hard it is to find a good one (she was wearing a great one which I immediately copied).  We also talked about botox. Whether or not to try it (She had. She didn’t like it. I hadn’t. It scares me.) and what our options are should we not go the needle route. 
We will talk about botox again in a future installment, but for the sake of this discussion I want to make clear that this column is not about making judgments. If injectables for for you – great. If you’ve had “some work done” (you brave soul) – I hope it wasn’t’ too painful and you came out of it even more beautiful than you were before. The point of these conversations is to say: do whatever makes you feel happy in your skin. For me, at least for right now, what makes me happy is working with what I’ve got. My medicine cabinet is full of potions. Some work. Some don’t. My esthetician promises that the O2 treatment will take years off my face. It does temporarily. 
Kristen had a birthday recently. She wrote some pretty powerful words. Her raw honesty about turning another year older expressed a beautiful vulnerability. I hope we can all embrace her message. No matter what you choose to do with your body, let your path be unfettered by societal expectations or air brushed magazine pages. 

<3 Stacy

Today is my birthday and my heart thumps inside my chest as I post this, the uncomfortable feelings that arise prompting me to hit share.
This is 53.
I’m in better shape than I’ve ever been, and I feel good about myself and who I am. Age is truly just a number because I feel, and very often act, half my age.
I’m tired of the representation of the middle-aged woman because I don’t see a representation that feels like me.
I’ve tried Botox and fillers, nothing against any of that, but they aren’t for me. I’ve heard amazing things about laser treatments, but for now I’m embracing a more natural route of decent skin care and hydration, because even Retinol products create spots and that’s not the type of resurfacing I’m looking for.

I have brown spots and white spots, and I have soft rolls. My muscles are less defined, the texture of my skin is changing at an alarming speed, and I color my hair every three weeks now.
Every day that I wake up I give thanks to be alive, healthy, and in this body that has served these 53 years  very well.
I am a maiden, a mother, and a crone. I am rich with experience, and I walk this life with my eyes wide open, humbled and blessed.

I make images to capture a mood and feeling. I’m inspired by my surroundings and my cameras are my way to interpret the world around me.

Kristen Perman is a fine art photographer living in Los Angeles. Her work has been included in group shows in Los Angeles and New York, and her photography has been featured in  various online publications and appeared in print.
Follow her on Instagram: tenperman/


About Stacy, in her own words:
I am a displaced Indiana Hoosier who spent my early years riding in vans with bands while I did marketing and PR for the best indie record labels in Chicago (at that time): Wax Trax and Touch & Go. I’ve been a New Yorker (twice), a Londoner (briefly), a desert dweller and an Angeleno (three times now).  I’ve run marketing departments for major record labels.  I worked for Damien Hirst for a short time. I had the distinct honor of working on the premier season of GLEE and I traveled the rails and worked on the Station to Station tour with uber-artist Doug Aitken. The Kills are in high rotation on my iPod as is a smattering of classic 70′s rock and every Tom Waits album ever recorded.
At Warner Music, I have the had the honor of running global marketing campaigns for the legends that are Joni Mitchell, Linda Ronstadt and Emmylou Harris; and the genius that is David Lynch and the Twin Peaks team.
 I worked on the Los Angeles area debut of Shaun White’sAir + Style.   I write about cool art happenings for Art Nerd; I was part of the marketing team for BottleRock Napa Valley 2014; and I run started an arts non-profit, ART from the ashes, with a very dear friend.  It is the most beautiful and rewarding work I’ve ever done.
In my spare time I do this: Cookie Route and this: Los Angeles Makers.  I spin records on my monthly radio show at KCHUNG Radio and once, in 2006, I got to cast zombies for the Gorillaz and Madonna performance at the Grammys:

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