Tuesday BARB UP October 3, 2017

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You can order Earth Hates Me here.

Today is going to be a good day. Today is going to be different. Today is going to be a big day.
In fact, today is the day I walk into Barnes and Noble and Book Culture and maybe some other bookstore and find a copy of my daughter’s book, Earth Hates Me. For the last year plus, my daughter Ruby Karp, has been working on her book, Earth Hates Me. It is finally available at your local bookstore today. Please head there, pick it up. Here are the things you may not know by looking at the cover. It has an intro in the form of a Q&A by Ilana Glazer from Broad City. It has a five step plan to getting over a heartbreak. It is a book for teens as well as adults, for different reasons. It has the story of that moment when I told her my Dad had died, how she handled it. It has the story of how comedy saved her. It has tactics in dealing with pressure–the kind a teenager feels at home, at school, from an object of affection. It is a reminder to teenagers to stay true to themselves, to not back down, to remember they are all their future. It’s funny too, despite the heavy they confront on a minute-to-minute basis. So, if you can, pick it up. It will cheer you up for sure.

Las Vegas.

Tom Petty. He gave us the refrain “won’t back down.” Thank you for that, and so much more. RIP.

Hils, on it.

Cecile Richards, on it as always, in terms of encouraging women to be in politics.

Camille Paglia: “My 1960s generation was the gender-bending generation — we were all about blending the genders in fashion and attitude. But it has to be said that in terms of world history, the taste for and interest in androgyny is usually relatively brief. And it comes at late and decadent phases of culture!”

Senators into guns shooting people. 56 of them.

Janelle James: “I feel like with standup, after a certain amount of time there’s no going back. It’s like, “Fuck, I’ve given six years to it.”

Paula Malcomson: “The most interesting shows on TV these days are female-centric. That’s a way of balancing things out because it has been a boy’s club for so, so long, for always and ever. But I love the voices that are coming out of women because it’s fresh ideas.”

Taking a break takes a lot of work.

Truth in advertising, as per women.

Sex stuff.

And now have a laugh with Janelle James.



Hurricane Maria Support.

Puerto Rico has been devastated by the recent hurricanes. Your help is needed.

The Maria Fund. “One hundred percent of monies raised will be used to support immediate relief, recovery, and equitable rebuilding in Puerto Rico for the communities hit hardest by the storm.”

Operation Puerto Rico Care-Lift: “The island has been devastated by two back to back Hurricanes in two weeks and has lost 100 percent of its power grid. This disaster happens on the heals of over 10 years of severe economic recession and hardship. And frankly, most people don’t have a way off this Island.” Lara Richardson & Chris Sloan

Support The Girls. Always an advocate for women in need, Dana Marlowe’s set up a donation for Puerto Rican women and girls.

Unidos. “100% of your gift to UNIDOS goes to help children, friends and families recover from the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria and the Mexico City earthquake.”

Unidos Por Aguadilla.  “That’s why we concerned about our towns of Aguadilla and Yauco , where we were born and raised, are creating this fund to funnel 100% of the resources directly to help  the families in need on the West coast of Puerto Rico. ” (Samy Nemir & Hedmanuel Soto)

Unidos Puerto Rico. “United for Puerto Rico is an initiative brought forth by the First lady of Puerto Rico, Beatriz Rosselló in collaboration with the private sector, with the purpose of providing aid and support to those affected in Puerto Rico by the passage of Hurricane Irma and Hurricane María.”



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