Wednesday BARB UP October 3, 2017

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How do you talk about the things in your life when the world outside you is as life itself? When Las Vegas happens? Hurricane Harvey, Irma, Maria? Tom Petty? There’s the sense of urgency, to tackle the tragic; on Monday, my Facebook feed—an exquisite sample of how aligned I am with my tiny corner of the universe—was of three topics: Las Vegas, Puerto Rico and Tom Petty. The immediate shock of it all, in real time, learning about the man who touched so many of our lives with his music. The horror of waking up Monday to learn what happened at a concert while we slept. The continuing disbelief about the lack of relief for our island in the ocean, with all that water surrounding it (I mean, seriously, the things that come out of his mouth.) Monday, the refrain of “I don’t like Mondays” bleating in my ear. There is no respite on a Monday like October 2; no room for indulgence. There is room however for reflection. For hugging the ones you love. For being nice to people. For smiling at the strangers who pass you by. For returning an email, a call, a text. For courtesy. There is room to be human. And then Tuesday arrives. October 3, 2017. Another day, and in NY another crisp blue sky day. Walking through the streets of New York yesterday–my daughter’s Happy Book Day—my heart still heavy, I started to see, on my socials, a change in tone: a conviction to embrace life. My friends celebrating 20 years of Harold at UCB. My friends posting photos of their children. My friends supporting my daughter’s book Earth Hates Me. And I knew, I knew, that my Tuesday would be different.That I needed to commit. That I needed to stand tall. That I needed to not back down.

Ruby Karp: “High school is so weird because we’re experiencing everything for the first time, heightening our emotions and thoughts to extremes. Everything can feel like the end of the world. I wanted people to know that I’ve been there, too, without making them feel like I was trying too hard to make them feel understood.”

You can order Earth Hates Me here or walk into your local bookshop.

Mean Girls Day!

Sarah Silverman: “I was told: You’re only a real comedian if your material can be said by a male comedian and it still worked. I bought that. Looking back, it’s mind-blowing. I accepted talking about the female experience as hack.”

Love all around, Michelle Obama.

Samantha Irby: “I’m a person who just gets everything gross out of the way on the first date: discussion of fart duration, National Geographic tits, debit card that might not go through for my half of dinner since I have no recollection of having spent $375 on jellybeans in the week prior.”

I raise my middle finger to you too, you nudge.

And now have a laugh with Janeane Garofalo.


Hurricane Maria Support.

Puerto Rico has been devastated by the recent hurricanes. Your help is needed.

The Maria Fund. “One hundred percent of monies raised will be used to support immediate relief, recovery, and equitable rebuilding in Puerto Rico for the communities hit hardest by the storm.”

Operation Puerto Rico Care-Lift: “The island has been devastated by two back to back Hurricanes in two weeks and has lost 100 percent of its power grid. This disaster happens on the heals of over 10 years of severe economic recession and hardship. And frankly, most people don’t have a way off this Island.” Lara Richardson & Chris Sloan

Support The Girls. Always an advocate for women in need, Dana Marlowe’s set up a donation for Puerto Rican women and girls.

Unidos. “100% of your gift to UNIDOS goes to help children, friends and families recover from the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria and the Mexico City earthquake.”

Unidos Por Aguadilla.  “That’s why we concerned about our towns of Aguadilla and Yauco , where we were born and raised, are creating this fund to funnel 100% of the resources directly to help  the families in need on the West coast of Puerto Rico. ” (Samy Nemir & Hedmanuel Soto)

Unidos Puerto Rico. “United for Puerto Rico is an initiative brought forth by the First lady of Puerto Rico, Beatriz Rosselló in collaboration with the private sector, with the purpose of providing aid and support to those affected in Puerto Rico by the passage of Hurricane Irma and Hurricane María.”



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