Thursday BARB UP October 5, 2017

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My daughter wrote a book, Earth Hates Me. Own it. Please.

So it’s called Happy Book Birthday. And the emails start coming in—from the people in the “biz”—, even before Rocky wakes me up for his walk. Oh yes. Rocky. He could care less about this. He wants to eat. I get out of bed. I feed him. The Teenager—now a published author of a book called Earth Hates Me—is already awake, getting ready for school. It’s the day after the day Tom Petty has died. Two days after Las Vegas. On my social feeds, I see the kick coming back into the people who post. I felt guilty yesterday, how could I not? Today though. As I posted already, I invoked Maria Semple’s mantra, today I knew would be different. The weather blissful, sunny. I hug my child. I kiss my dog. Maybe the other way around. My friends who are on socials are posting copies of their book that have arrived. I feel happy, proud to call them my friends. The support makes me emotional. I’m bouncing around my apartment. It occurs to me that the book is out, which means BOOK STORES TOO. I call Josh. I want him to be with me when I see the book for the first time on the shelves. We head over to the Barnes and Noble on the Upper West Side. The teen section is now on the mezzanine. I see it as I walk up the stairs. I catch my heart as it leap frogs ahead of me. Holding back all the things you do when you try to remain composed. Josh indulges me by taking a thousand photos. Well, okay only a few. But still. I’m hungry now. We head to Chipotle. Josh as always trying to keep me distracted, happy, grounded. The Teenager Facetimes me. She needs something urgently. I have no idea. Lucky for her I am not on assignment. Josh and I head to her school. We pick her up. We bring her to City MD. She is in fact sick. She decides to go home. But first. First. She wants to see her book on a shelf in a store. Josh heads home while we head to Book Culture. We bump into Bridget Everett and her dog Poppy. It’s always a delight to see Bridget, her beautiful warm energy, her sweet little dog. We say goodbye, walk into the book store. We’re both emotional, my second time for the day. Although really, The Teenager is cool, holding it together. We decide to go to Barnes and Noble. But first, since we’re walking right by the building, we stop in at her middle school. She wants to see her two mentors, role models, supporters—her middle school teachers, Mr. Holst and Mr. Veve. Her middle school is a warm and inviting establishment; poking her head into their classroom is met by huge smiles, hugs, love. It’s yet another best part of this day. This day is just LOVE all around. The Teenager and the Teachers speak for a little bit. Then The Teenager and I bid adieu and head to Barnes and Noble. She, like I did, spots her book from the lower level. Smiles, smiles, smiles all around. I try to be cool but by now I’m in full on embarrassing mom mode. I am this close from shouting in the aisles MY DAUGHTER HAS WRITTEN A BOOK AND IT’S HERE ON YOUR SHELVES. I don’t because, derrr, I live with a Teenager. We go home. I warm up chicken soup for The Teenager. Not only is it her Book Birthday, but she’s not feeling great. And thankfully, I’m here to help. Be the mom. As I am.

Chimananda and Ta-Nehisi. I mean. Fangirl brain explosion.

Hillary Rodham Clinton: “Kate McKinnon is a better me than I am.” On Jimmy Fallon. Actually this whole episode.  If you don’t cry while the women write the thank you notes then you are dead inside.

Theresa May is dealing with her own version of Trump. Goddess speed, Theresa, we feel you, we’re with you.”“This is a politician who lets anti-Semitism, misogyny and hatred run free while he doesn’t do a thing to stop it.”

Start your business.


And now have a laugh with Ali Wong.



Hurricane Maria Support.

Puerto Rico has been devastated by the recent hurricanes. Your help is needed.

The Maria Fund. “One hundred percent of monies raised will be used to support immediate relief, recovery, and equitable rebuilding in Puerto Rico for the communities hit hardest by the storm.”

Operation Puerto Rico Care-Lift: “The island has been devastated by two back to back Hurricanes in two weeks and has lost 100 percent of its power grid. This disaster happens on the heals of over 10 years of severe economic recession and hardship. And frankly, most people don’t have a way off this Island.” Lara Richardson & Chris Sloan

Support The Girls. Always an advocate for women in need, Dana Marlowe’s set up a donation for Puerto Rican women and girls.

Unidos. “100% of your gift to UNIDOS goes to help children, friends and families recover from the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria and the Mexico City earthquake.”

Unidos Por Aguadilla.  “That’s why we concerned about our towns of Aguadilla and Yauco , where we were born and raised, are creating this fund to funnel 100% of the resources directly to help  the families in need on the West coast of Puerto Rico. ” (Samy Nemir & Hedmanuel Soto)

Unidos Puerto Rico. “United for Puerto Rico is an initiative brought forth by the First lady of Puerto Rico, Beatriz Rosselló in collaboration with the private sector, with the purpose of providing aid and support to those affected in Puerto Rico by the passage of Hurricane Irma and Hurricane María.”


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