Friday BARB Up October 13, 2017

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My daughter wrote a book, Earth Hates Me. Own it. Here. Please.

“Soldier on. And also don’t go looking for a job. Go to make a job or make other jobs. In other words, I think we have to get on the front foot instead of getting paralyzed by not having any work in whatever field we’re in. Think how can I start something which will actually employ two or three other people. What do we need? What can I give to society? And I think that’s the attitude we have to have.” So says Jeremy Irons on The Nerdist. I’m feeling this today, this Friday, after a week of emotional upheaval. Of publicized harassment in the workplace, of Rose McGowan getting Nevertheless-She-Persisted by Twitter, of countless stories of women I know and I don’t know sharing their stories of groping, assault, rape. I’m feeling the weight of pressure to earn, to compromise, of the climb. I’m also feeling the release of autonomy, of working with people you admire, of working with people who have integrity. Of this, the latter in particular, I am feeling, that release of knowing I have worked with the good ones and will continue to work with the good ones and will always be one of them. There’s a place for us, as is said in West Side Story. Make it so.

All humans should listen to Justin Trudeau and follow in his footsteps.

There is no shortage of women‘s stories, the stories of women who have been sexually harassed. Also Seth Meyers on a Closer Look. And also Samantha Bee.

My dear friend Jenelle.

Pink: “I feel like I knew what the game was when I first came out and I fought against that game. I kind of made my own game up over on the side.”

Alissa Grimaldi: “You have to recognize your calling.”

Bye bye to AOL Instant Messenger. Also known as AIM.

Why Great News and Tina Fey are so excellent.

What does safe start to look like?

Who needs career advice?

Pre-nup insight.

And now have a laugh with Lisa Lampanelli.



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