Wednesday BARB UP November 15, 2017

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My daughter Ruby Karp wrote a book, Earth Hates Me. Order it here. Please.

This week marks one year of blogging on BARB. It’s been a wild and difficult time for me, in general. Blogging has been an anchor for me, and in that way, the ultimate lifesaver, mentally. Here’s an excerpt from January 31, 2017. 

“I started BARB as a response to the lack of representation of women over the magical threshold of unfuckability—40— online and in the media. So far, so good, but there’s the thorny blemish of the daily goings on of POTATUS who seems thus far, to reinforce his disdain for anyone not-white, not-male. So, stick with me. We’re going to stay on the path of awareness, and while that will include some political reporting, it will absolutely include the things I want to talk about (read my manifesta here), like vibrators, shoppingparenting, dating, other things too as well as our lives in general as women.”

How am I doing, my friends?

I got to interview Patty Schemel, now out with her memoir, which I highly recommend, and LOVED in that way that it made me cry but also, made me happy, Hit So Hard.

Maxine Waters. Not only is she reclaiming her time, reclaiming her time, she’s just given us this bon mot: “Impeach Him.”

Honoring Cindi Leive. The force behind the Glamour Woman of the Year Awards gets props herself for being one as well!

Anita Hill: “The outcome of my testimony was not what I’d hoped, but in no way was it the final word. In the five years after I testified, sexual harassment complaints filed with the EEOC more than doubled. Legislation against harassment slowly but surely began to pass. And I saw that we had a chance to shift this narrative.”

The OG Radical Women.

Hedy Lamarr was a badass.

Queer life on the range.

I love this: How To Look at Me Like 70.

“He has the same name as a famous idiot.” Ah I love Seth Meyers.

Springsteen on Broadway lottery.

And now have a laugh with Maria Bamford.


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