Lady Parts: Hormone Monsters Be Gone!

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Lady Parts: A BARB Beauty Series
This edition: Hormone Monsters Be Gone
by Stacy Conde 
Chris Rios
“You are what you eat.” Somewhere in the 70’s this phrase became a thing. Was it Schoolhouse Rock! or Zoom? One of those shows must have had a skit or a song or maybe it was my early-whole-food-adopter, granola-pioneering father who taught me that what I put in my face will have consequences on my body. Taking that advice was another story.
At a certain point in our years, metabolism changes and after that, eating pizza at two in the morning after a bar crawl no longer goes unnoticed (both in how you look in the morning and how your jeans fit).
Diet and exercise are everything when it comes to keeping the bod in ship-shape. There’s no denying it. In our teens and twenties, we battle one form of hormones and in our 40’s and 50’s, we are faced with another. The task is to find the right combination of things to feed our insides so we keep our outsides looking good. Using products that cater to hair and skin at different stages becomes a must-do.
Everyone has to get to their balanced happy place in their own time and space. If you’re not there yet, you’ll get there soon enough. Let us offer some suggestions to help you tame those hormone monsters.
Our friends at Hum Nutrition say that beauty starts from within. We’re so down with that. Their Arctic RepairOMG! Omega the Great and Collagen Love are just a few of their supplements that sing to us.
xo Stacy
Unfortunately not all salon visits are about getting sun kissed highlights or glammed up for that big night out.
Thinning hair, change in hair texture, dry flaky scalp or oily hair can be a topic of discussion with my clients. Thyroid, weight loss, stress or post-baby hair usually were my go-to possibilities. Once I entered my 40’s, I noticed that the week before and of my menstrual cycle, my hair texture was lackluster, flyaway and limp. So then when my clients would talk to me about their hair issues I would add, “Are you on your period?” to the line of questioning, and low and behold that was the common denominator.
I did some research and certain vitamins and shampoos can help a sister out ✊🏼 — 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond could all benefit from these.
Here is a video I did for my Chris Rios Beauty Youtube Channel when I was in my fabulous 40’s that I recommend some vitamins & shampoos.*
*The shampoo is no longer available so here are ones that I  currently like and use.
ALTERNA Caviar Anti-Aging Shampoo

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