Friday BARB UP February 2, 2018

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College is very much on my mind, as The Teenager waits to hear about financial aid and whether she’s been accepted to several other schools. She’s done almost everything—from choosing the schools to tour to applying to the schools—on her own. She’s tackled every supplement and every application with a methodical and determined approach. She’s written her essay completely on her own, with only her best friend as a sounding board. She’s been diligent about updating me, about making sure I do my part with the financial aid aspect. My daughter has had my support, of course, but she’s also not needed me to hold her hand; I know how lucky I am for this. I have had a vague relationship with my own college history. I went to Queens College, walking distance from my parents home. I didn’t have much of a choice, the way my daughter does as a senior considering where to go. I didn’t have her grades, her SAT scores, or her extracurriculars. Did I write an essay? I have no recollection. I suppose I considered applying to some schools. Friends of mine knew they were going to certain SUNYs, that’s the extent of it. I don’t remember anyone jumping up and down for joy that she got into the college of her choice. I hope people got that wish. I don’t know. But I do know that this right now? Watching The Teenager experience her college process? It’s unforgettable. I’m holding on to this memory, this pride, this joy on her behalf for the rest of my life.

(The photo in this post was taken by the great Mindy Tucker. I’m so happy she captured this moment, of The Teenager and me talking, as we do.)

Maxine Waters:  “I will not sit idly by and allow the President of The United States to disrespect so many people, to lie to us, and to dog whistle to the white nationalists, and the KKK, and the white supremacists. And so, I’m determined, and I have the energy, and I have the will, and it’s not anger as much as it is kind of toughness and willing to fight.”

On Rosa Parks.

Rose McGowan: “There’s not advertisers advertising tampons with a camera lovingly going up a girl’s body as she’s being lovingly raped and strangled.”

Laurie Kilmartin:  “I like to sit on my bed and be just alone. Gloriously alone.”

Men of the music industry, here we come.

On hysterectomies.

Sex stuff.

How to deal with and treat painful sex.

And now have a laugh with Maggie Maye.



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