Friday BARB UP March 30, 2018

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It’s a telling moment when an adult so-called news anchor makes fun of a teenager for not getting into certain colleges. In a national setting! I’m talking about Fox News hack, Laura Ingalls. No, wait, I mean, Laura Abraham, a talking head desperate for attention, and the mocking of David Hogg’s recent college acceptances. David Hogg is one of the Parkland students; you know who he is, he is one of the people who are changing the world as we know it, #neveragain. This week, high school seniors finally found out whether they got into an Ivy, as well as the other elite non-Ivy’s. It’s a week when kids who have spent four (or less) years strategizing how to juggle school work, grades, and extracurriculars discover where they will spend the next four years. Maybe in a sprawling city-scape campus like Boston University, or sequestered in the sleepaway-camp like existence of a Kenyon, or nestled in always-sunny Florida Atlantic University. It’s a time when kids with perfect GPA’s and perfect test scores still didn’t get the school of their choice. It’s a time when kids with outstanding accomplishments but less than stellar test scores get bypassed. It’s also a time when a kid does get it all, gets into every school of their dreams, or at least a few. No matter which kid you are, it’s still a nerve-wracking week. For an adult to ridicule a teenager for not getting into a few school, a teenager, who is in fact, making real change, is an indictment of a lack of morality. I hope all twelve advertisers boycott her show; the inanity of a Fox News anchor mocking activist and student David Hogg. I have endless admiration for him, for standing up for himself, for knowing that he is actually making a change, for challenging a call to action to the corporations who buy ad space. Bravo, bravo, bravo! Money Talks. 

Roxane Gay: “I wasn’t going to watch the reboot because I find Ms. Barr noxious, transphobic, racist and small-minded. Whatever charm and intelligence she brought to the first nine seasons of her show, a show I very much loved, are absolutely absent in her current persona, particularly as it manifests on Twitter.”

Tina Fey: “Since the film, we have ostensibly more female unity. But we also have trouble, right? We have white feminism and intersectional feminism. We have women not believing women.”

Roxanne Shante: “I could never have appreciated the fact that people love me now if they didn’t love to hate me before.”

Ali Wentworth: “I don’t care if you inject Botox or cobra semen into your face every morning, the inescapable truth is that we all age. Eventually your skin will slacken and your eyelids will fall to half-mast. Your hair will turn gray, as will your pubes (insert blood- curdling scream).”

Cynthia Nixon, Guv’ner  of NY Watch.

Nina Collins, the women who made Virginia Woolfe en vogue on Facebook.

Harassment in the world of asanas and om shantis.

Sex stuff, horoscope-style.

And now have a laugh with Iliza Schlesinger.


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