Wednesday BARB UP May 23, 2018

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I don’t need to be a perfect mom.

I don’t need to be my child’s friend.

I just need to be her parent.

I will have her back,

I will love her,

I will support her in her ideas and thoughts and endeavors and all the colors in between and surrounding,

I will occasionally lose my temper, lose my job, lose my way.

I will say yes to things and I will say no to others.

I will burn toast too.

I will be flawed, learning as we grow, together.

And through all this and more, I will know this one thing:

I am her mom.



Yes, Stacey Abrams, yes.

Tig Notaro: “The one thing I do wanna say is, I’m just astounded by how people are still focused on these abusive people, when the focus should really be on the people they abused. People’s lives have been destroyed by these abusive, power-hungry people.”

Dana Johnson: “I feel like the goal is to tell as many stories as we can before we’re no longer here.”

Lisi Harrison: “I had a lot more to say about the way people deal with each other because I was going through something that I had not experienced before that informed the writing so much more than it would have  been had I not had my life blown open, you know?”

Michelle Obama’s memory lane.

Elizabeth Warren delivered a commencement address and dammit did she persist the shizzle out of it. “There will be plenty, plenty of people in your life who will try to shut you up but people who shut up seldom make a difference.”

Joy Press, my brilliant friend, on Roseanne.

Clarissa Glen is an inspiration.

This kid. So inspiring.

Oooh la la.

You guys. This jumpsuit. Everything.

from Stoned Immaculate.

And now have a laugh with Amber Ruffin.




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