Wednesday November 14, 2018

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The changing colors of the leaves are a thing; New Yorkers, we call it foliage. For those of us who live in the concrete jungle, leaving the isle to look at tree leaves that are red yellow orange and variations there of is an event. A thing of beauty. Returning to a moment in our lives when we could feel soil slipping in between our toes. When you live in the city, those sensations are sought after. I went with Josh—one of my best friends—to his family’s house in Prattsville, where foliage reigns. The house that his parents have built and nurtured over the last four decades. There is a lot of history in this house. Children born and brought to it. Added portions to the house—a sunroom, a deck, other things. And the land itself—pear trees, a pond, hammocks. An invitation to spend the weekend is always welcome, and when it comes my way, I grabbed at it. The foliage aside. Being in this home is sanctuary for me. I unplug my brain. No Wifi. No blogging. No insta-stalking. (Although Josh has unlimited data on his phone so we binge watch Netflix). If you feel trapped, stressed, in need of physical respite, whatever and someone invites you to spend the weekend at their home in the woods or the beach or anywhere that is not your home, take it. Leave the spouse and the kids and the worries behind you. It will do you wonders, the break from the world you know day-to-day. And oh, the leaves, they are lovely to behold. Have a happy Wednesday, y’all.

Jennifer Lewis: “Show business was breakfast, lunch, and dinner for me. Andthe afternoon snack. I lived for show business.”

Marianne Jean-Baptiste: “But you forget about those things and you create obstacles, you create conflict, you create all sorts of things along the way so that you can really flesh it out with some authenticity.”

Sarah Rutson: “Thirty seconds after you open your mouth, it’s more about what you have to say and less about what you are wearing that will keep them engaged and listening. It is all about controlling your content and delivery.”

Of course Michelle Obama‘s book is going to kill it. She’s MICHELLE OBAMA.

Kyrsten Sinema is a lyrical light.

Woolsey is not contained yet.

Serena Williams is on the cover of GQ, she’s woman of the year bUT the word woman? It’s in quotation marks. What’s going on there?

Erp. Juul. What with teenagers using them for nefarious purposes (ahem, teenaging, as it were, is apparently such a sin!), they’re downsizing major.

Stormy Daniels ain’t done yet.

So wait, fish oil is not going to help me stave off cancer and heart disease? WTF?!

And now have a laugh with Sydnee Washington.


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