A re-post from last year, still necessary. People struggling. Families torn. The chronic chipping away at our souls. For those of us, like me, who are freelancing, it is a brutal time. Who, who out there is hiring, who will respond to my email, who, who, who. I’d like to offer some challenges for those of us who are in sitting in offices with job security and health insurance. I’d like you to know that you have the power to change a person’s life. And that, that is a special gift you have at the moment.
- Be Mindful. When I worked at Fuse (best job ever), I got daily requests from vendors and freelancers looking for work. I made it a point to answer every email, whether it was to welcome the opportunity to showcase their work or to tell the inquiring mind that I appreciated the reach out but I had nothing available. I knew how difficult it was to reach out, I knew how much pride was at stake and I knew that if someone was networking, it was because they needed work. I didn’t always have good news, ie., work, but still, I was straight with the person. I tried to be. So. Answer the emails. Even if it means telling the person that you can’t help them.
- Be Open. Recently, I applied for a job that I was suited for. I didn’t have a particular keyword (“e-comm”) in my tool kit; this prompted the recruiter to dismiss me, outright, in our conversation. In general, resumes can market a person’s abilities in one page. But there is always so much more to that page, to that person. When you’re reviewing a resume, know that that person has so much to offer you as a hiring manager and the role you are planning to fill. Don’t insult the person by “jumping on the phone.” That’s a disservice to you and the person on the other end of the line. Be open to meeting that person face-to-face. Be open to knowing that if you dig a little deeper, you can find something rich and fulfilling in that person.
- Pay It Forward. There will be a time when you too are looking for work. The people who will remember you will be the people you helped in their time of need. And their staffs too. Everyone remembers the supervisor that changed their lives, that influenced them in some manner, that supported them. You are most likely that person. And you will always be remembered for being awesome. And that, that will help you too.
- The Power of Yes. Yes, it seems like everyone wants something from you. You were once a person who needed something from someone—a job—and were hired because someone said YES to you, either early in your career or in the position you have now. That you can say YES is a tremendous and special power. Use it for good. The good of giving someone a chance to shine, to be employed.
- Oh, Those Shiny Objects. And when you hire, open yourself up to everyone, not simply the people brandishing the shield of a coveted demo. Experience goes a long way, and those that have been working for a decade or so know how to conduct themselves in an office environment, know how to support a staff, know how to be accountable for the work they do. In today’s world, being accountable will go a long way to making you look like the genius you are.
So those are my challenges to you. Keeping yourself open to the people looking for work is not easy, but it buy you a lot in the long term: peace of mind, and somewhere down the line, a job available to you when you finally need one.
Anita Hill: “The bigger problem is not false accusations. The bigger problem is the harassment.”
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