Sunday BARB UP May 12, 2019

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A rare Sunday post from me. Happy Mother’s Day, my friends. Whether you are one, know one, have been a daughter or a son to one, or just even, see a one, a Mother. As a mother, I know that ever day is a Mother of a day. I’m am always filled with love for my child, sometimes she’s my spawn, sometimes she’s my Teenager, but she’s always my love. So I honor her, for that moment she anointed me Mom. I also bow in eternal gratitude to my own Mother, she who sacrificed her everything to become a mother to me and my brother; now she’s a grandmother, a widow, alone in her home in Florida, but she too, is always a mother. I can’t imagine raising my daughter without my dear friends, who have at times, stepped in and helped me with my daughter, taking her to Broadway shows and uptown movies and downtown concerts, holding my hand through the long nights in hospital rooms, on my couch, in general; you are champions. Being a mother is for some women a lifelong dream, for others, something that happened, but no matter how you found your path to motherhood, this is fact: the moment you set eyes on your child—from your first to your umpteenth—, you know, you know that this is the finest person you will have ever met. Mother’s Day means different things to all of us, and I applaud you, I cherish you, I mourn for you. Whatever this day is to you, enjoy it, honor your person, and have a few mimosas on me.

photo by Steve Murello

Sending my daughter off to college, my Mother was with me for this too.

Amy Poehler: “For a really long time we were really asked to all be fighting for the one part in a feature, and I’m excited that we have six female leads in this movie, you don’t even know who the star is. It’s the matriarchy!”

Gabrielle Union: “I can only do so much in the hours that I have. I’ll spend it fueling what gives me wings, and that’s being with my baby and my family and trying to create work for other creatives and doing the jobs I love.”

Natasha Vaynblat: “As a kid I was desperate to hide the fact that I was an immigrant; all I wanted to do was fit in. But now I’m so grateful for it. That perspective is a gift.”

A happy mother’s day wish from Tina Fey, Emma Thompson and Amy Poehler.

Literally, running while pregnant.

Letters from a Mom.

Jamila Woods pays homage.

Fuck you, Ohio.

And now have a laugh with Maya Rudolph.



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