Wednesday BARB UP May 14, 2019

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While we gear up to fight this oncoming onslaught by the White Male Army, take a moment to enjoy something that celebrates being a woman.

Have you watched Wine Country, directed by Amy Poehler, yet? Starring (in alphabetical order) Amy Poehler, Ana Gasteyer, Emily Spivey, Maya Rudolph, Paula Pell, Rachel Dratch, Tina Fey? On the Netflix? Please do. Please just do. It is the exquisite capture of life as women at fifty. What I responded to, as a fellow fifty year old was everything. The attention to detail, the wordsmithing, the way the women brought to life characters so real, so familiar, so in it, this thing called fifty-something, middle aged, invisibilia, whatever you call it. I related to some aspect of each women: I lost my job and my Dad three years ago, the fear of how to make ends meet, the loneliness, the worry, the grief, all the waves of all of it; I wouldn’t have made it if not for my girlfriends who held my hand, rubbed my back, listened to me, continue to do so. Wine Country is that testament to friendship, and my god, did they nail it.

Elizabeth Warren: “I want to fix the systems in this country so they work for Americans, not just for giant corporations or Big Pharma or the Goldman Sachs guys. That’s not just my political career. That’s my whole life’s work.”

Rachel Dratch: “I’ve heard this theme come up a lot with people my age, that they’re not holding on so tightly to career stuff. And then it’s like: Okaywhat else is there?”

Paula Pell: “That’s my hardest thing: to be present and absorb it. When you get older and a little sturdier in your bones, you’re able to. I’m hoping I can take in all this good this year and feel like I deserve it — and enjoy the hell out of it.”

Trinh Tran: “We want little girls of all ages — 12, or it could be 5, or it could be, you know, a 50-year-old woman — to enjoy this. Then we’ve got to show them; we’ve got to give them more of that.”

Darcy Steinke: “To me, menopause is so much about freedom. It’s not really about being closed down, or irritable, or outside of physical life.”

Gen-X in a nice spread of a nutshell.

And now have a laugh with Amber Ruffin.


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