Thursday BARB SEEING 2020 January 9, 2020

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2020. In general, I am not a resolution maker. I make decisions to do and not do things on the daily. Should I write this email or should I not? Those are not resolutions, I get it, those are decisions. Resolutions are goal-oriented. Can I save seven thousand dollars this year if I make a resolution (goal) to do so? I bet I can. I don’t know. I can make a resolution, and I can commit to one, that’s in my nature, to set a goal and achieve it. In 2016, I did the 50 Book Challenge. I read a book a week, and it carried on to habit the following year and the following and now, I just naturally read and finish a book every week without it being a goal. I also gave up sugar and bread for a year. I joined a gym and went  religiously for a year. I’d like to try a new challenge of being in bed by 11pm. But that’s still under consideration. Today, or rather yesterday, I decided that I would  try again not indulge in purchases for myself for one year, except for the month of March (my birthday month) and one week a month for seasonal updates. This includes clothing (shoes, dresses, skirts, pants, shorts, swimwear, tops, outwear and winterwear), jewelry, sunglasses, and handbags. This does not include necessities such as undergarments, socks, leggings. Also under the umbrella of indulgences are books and magazines, apps, electronics and cosmetics. What is acceptable? Hair care. Toiletries. Eye-care wear. I believe as I forge into this road, my lists of do’s and don’ts will evolve. I admit I have tried this before, but the disappointment of my larger life mandated a retail therapy. It is my hope that by March, my Facebook feed won’t tempt me with sales at Shopbop, that my friends will toss their hand-me-downs my way, that I will develop a new and healthier relationship with my wallet. The latter is what I truly want for myself. So I am happy with my decision. And I welcome all the items of clothing you don’t want that are in the smallish size dimensions or size 7 shoe.

RBG is cancer free and yay.

Oprah: “”Rather than yo-yo from size to size, I now hold the space where I feel well and strong and fit.”

Lady Gaga:  “I think the most shocking thing I can possibly do is be completely vulnerable and honest with you about my life, what I’ve been through, the struggles that I’ve seen that I have also been a part of, and share that with the world so that I can help other people who are suffering.”

Finally, Peggy Orenstein‘s book, Boys and Sex, is out! Check out my interview with her here. 

An ode to Gillian Armstrong.

Young and naked people are inspirational.

Get your flu shot.

Selfie tips. For women our age.

And now have a laugh with Chloe Hillard.


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