Lady Parts: Beauty In…A Global Pandemic

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Lady Parts: A Barb Beauty Series

This Edition: Beauty In… A Global Pandemic

By Stacy Conde

Now there’s a headline that I never thought I’d write. Before anyone starts to @ me, we at BARB know that there are far more important topics than beauty right now. That said, I’m not in any position to give advice on what is going on out there. We are all affected. We are all reeling from the consequences of what COVID-19 is doing to our businesses and income streams. I don’t know how to quell the havoc that this virus is wreaking on the planet. What I do know is that how we behave in this time will define the human beings we will be on the other side of this.

We’re social distancing, and in the Los Angeles area we are under a “Safer at Home” order. All non-essential businesses are required to close. That includes hair salons, which to some of us are near essential. There’s a social post going around about seeing everyone’s real hair color by the end of this. That struggle is real, my friends.

So while we are sheltering in place, we also need to stay happy and healthy… and part of that is keeping ourselves together. Be kind to each other. Check in. Facetime. Take up watercolor (stay tuned for my octopus painting coming soon). Put together a playlist for your friends (here’s my most recent one). Support your local small businesses if you can. Buy gift cards. Order online. Order curbside take-out.

Do all that and also soak up these home hair color tips from Chris Rios Riggio.


Follow Chris on Instagram @chrisriosbeauty

And follow Stacy on Instagram too!


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