I See You

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I See You


Stacy Conde

I see your daily schedules: those organized, smart and purposeful planners that you’re sharing on LinkedIn. I know you’re just trying to inspire me to re-envision my solo quarantine as the new normal workday. I know that I need to get there and I will! It’s just taking me a minute.

It was a challenge to find the will to get out of bed that first week of lockdown here in Los Angeles, so I let myself be there, in bed, scrolling through Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn (in that order). As I write this, we’re well into week three and the latest White House report states that we’ll be here for another three. So… I’m “there.” I’m graduating out of work-out leggings and into at least the top half of an outfit that is suitable for a Zoom meeting.

Covid-19 has taken us to a place that most of us have never seen. It’s terrifying. I don’t usually need any motivational help, but what’s happening right now is beyond my scope. So after my week of wallowing, I started a new schedule with some external help via the magic of the interwebs. The sheer awesomeness of these people and things helped a wayward organizational maniac get back on track.

I’m reserving permission to keep my lower half wardrobe loose, but with the inspired interior design advice of a friend, I have reworked my home office set up and Condiments is open for business. Bring it!

Ryan Heffington’s Sweat Fest dance class on IG Live

Where did this angel of dance come from and what did we do to deserve him? I have followed Ryan for a while. His Sweat Spot class in LA has been a fave of legit dancer friends, but was always a bit too advanced for a novice like myself.

The hour I spend dancing (I use this term loosely as it relates to my practice) with Ryan gives me a damn good reason to get out of bed.  I laugh while doing the “Pretty Pony” or “Nancy Pelosi hand claps” and I tear up during cool down as Ryan instructs us to accept the hope and love of the 3-5000 people who just took the class with him.

The class is free on Ryan’s IG Live, but, if you are in a position to, please consider donating to help the staff of Ryan’s Sweat Spot. All details on his IG profile @ryan.heffington

D-Nice Club Quarantine on IG Live

So I’m baking bread (for the first time ever, as one does in quarantine) and I stumble upon DJ D-Nice playing Earth, Wind & Fire “Fantasy.” I am late to this party. There are already over 50,000 people tuned in: Michelle Obama, Halle Berry, Common and KRS One are there too. This is the kind of club an introvert like me can handle. I’m in. Watch out for his unannounced evening quiet storm sets on IG if you need a soundtrack to your sexytime. @DNice

Quarantine Cocktail Hour with Travis Collings on Instagram

What is it about Travis Collings that makes me feel like everything is going to be ok in this time of global pandemic? Is it his chill So Cal swag and choice of soundtrack (Roxy Music, Bowie, Faces)? Maybe it’s his wardrobe game: poncho, corduroy jacket or his Steve Zissou “Life Aquatic” ensemble. It could be the raw enjoyment that flows from the instructional and history lesson of a fine cocktail. Who am I kidding?! It’s ALL of these things – the total Travis Collings package. Tune in daily at @traviscollings

Memoji FaceTime

Um… have you seen this? It’s ridiculous and has totally changed the FaceTime game for me. I am categorically anti-camera when it comes to myself/my person. I don’t like being in front of any camera. No surprise then, that I am not a FaceTime fan. Solution: use your Memoji or, if you want to cry laughing for a few minutes, choose to be an octopus or monkey.

Yes, it’s silly. Yes, maybe it’s not as funny when you are not confined to your house for 6 weeks, but I’m going to stand behind this as a solid good time. You’ll need to have a newer version iPhone in order to enjoy this feature. Just about worth a premature upgrade.

Netflix Party

When did they hatch this? Did they have a pandemic quarantine premonition or was this one of those “necessity is the mother of invention” moments where a genius developer was like, “Hey – I have an idea!” Any way you spin it, watching shows with your friends is what we all need right now.

This Chrome extension allows you to create a Netflix Party, invite your friends to it and chat, Mystery Science Theater 3000 style, throughout the whole thing without hearing a single voice other than what’s on screen. “The Circle” and “Is Love Blind” should be required Netflix Party viewing.

Netflix doesn’t need our help. They are likely one of the few solid businesses on the planet right now, but kudos to them for this little gift. https://www.netflixparty.com/


And follow Stacy on Instagram too!


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The Messy Bun featuring Chris Rios




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