RIP Betty Dodson.

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On October 31, 2020, Betty Anne Dodson passed away at the age of 91. An influence on generations of women, a supporter of their sexual revolution, one wand at a time. She is the author of “Sex For One,” the handy how-to usher pleasure onto your body. I had the great privilege interview her when she was sixty-nine, in her apartment, the holy grail of where the magic was taught to hundreds of women. An everlasting impression she made on me, showing me that when you have the chance to meet your heroes, the beauties will measure up to the mark they have made in your life. She was that gem, her mission to enlighten women about their body’s pleasure principle her legacy, one that she maintained in her own life. When we wrapped up our interview, I asked her if there was anything else she wanted to add. She said, “God, we’ve been talking for two hours. You could say, ‘when I asked her what body part she liked best, she named everything she owned.’ For an old lady, I’m in pretty good shape. You could say I bring new meaning to the little old lady with blue hair.” Here is the interview in full.



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