Be Kind. Sunday December 6, 2020

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Be kind. Offer an oar if you have one, a life jacket, a hand. To your friends, to your neighbors, to the people checking in. Some people are very private about their distress and others are public, but I suspect these waves of anxiety, these waves of crisis, these waves of hurt are not isolated simply to the loud ones. We are all so brave and have been in the face of this. Someone I knew started a gofundme, his savings depleted, that’s how dire in need of help he is in. I suspect those of us who live alone, who live with partners or parents or both, who have one kid or two or ten, who live with insomnia, who are in between jobs, who are performers, whose kids are in college, who have a tuition bill looming, who work in the service industry, who own shops, who walk their dogs, who worry for their parents, whose siblings are battling cancers, whose kids are school-Zooming, who are teachers, who are cleaning subway cars, who are delivering your food, whose main source of income is childcare, who have never baked a potato, who can afford to eat only potatoes, I suspect all of us need a kindness. So yes. Please be kind. In any way that you can. In any capacity. What does kindness look like? Respond to a text. Answer an email. Pick up a call. Say yes to a Facetime. Get dinner over Zoom. Offer money. Have groceries delivered. Go for a walk. Send a gift card. Listen. Listen. Listen.

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