Tuesday BARB Up! November 29, 2016

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Finally, a full and satisfying night of sleep.

So. Books. I’m an avid reader. (Last year, I took it upon myself to indulge in a 50 Book Challenge, where I read and documented the 50 Books I read in 2015; it was exhilirating, to keep track of all the books I read, and yet, a little stressful, knowing I’d need to make this magic number.)  Here are three things I’d like to be reading right now.

Caitlin Moran’s Moranifesto. I enjoyed her growing-up-girl memoir, How To Be A Woman, yes, but I also like her fierceness. An Anglophile version of my me, she is.

Also, embarrassingly, I want to read Kathy Griffin’s Celebrity Run Ins.

Right now I’m reading James Gleick’s Time Travel. Cuz I like this shit.

The world is cray, but there’s good stuff too.

Ladies, keep putting your money towards Planned Parenthood, in Voldemort’s name of course. Over 50k has been raised thus far!

Did someone say bladder leakage?

Elizabeth Warren is fighting for the American People. Pay attention to this woman.

Sindr. Hahahaaa. Oh, the Church has a sense of black humor, doesn’t it?

Dating apps! Here are 7 you may or may not have heard of. Although, my advice is to find the three that work for your temperament, as opposed to being on a whole barrage of them. Why? It’s easier, for me at least, to have a less-is-more approach; easier for me to get to know an app, keep track of the players, and enjoy it.

And finally, my Daily Michelle Obama Love: her final White House Christmas Tree.


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