Thursday, BARB Up March 23, 2017

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On January 1, 2017, I decided to take one of the many not-written journals in my apartment and use it, finally. For one purpose: to highlight the three good things that happen in my day every day. I wasn’t sure if I could really stick with the task of committing to a daily ritual, but what I’ve discovered is that I have been militant about routine, particularly in the wake of being “in-between” jobs. I took to writing the three good things because being hopeful, being optimistic, being positive, is important to me; like anyway else, without the anchor, I can slide deep into an abyss. I don’t want to wallow. I want to be able to stand straight, head high, smiling. And so, I adapted to writing three good things. And here I am, at the end of March, pleased to report that while on occasion, I miss a day, I have for the most part, stuck to the ritual of sliding into bed, reaching for my journal, and noting the three things that happened in the course of my day. I’m excited about it. The appreciation I have for the day is simply joyful.


Theresa May: “That is why it is a target for those who reject those values. But let me make it clear today, as I have had cause to do before: Any attempt to defeat those values through violence and terror is doomed to failure.”

Please hire the wicked. I mean, those over 50.

The Essence Festival.

Drag Queen transformation.

Nan Goldin is always in a favorite artist list.

Sanna Lathan: “There is definitely that thing of, you do have to work twice as hard and be twice as good—in any profession, when you’re a woman and especially a person of color. That is true, but it’s not something that I focus on. The business is hard enough, you gotta keep it positive. Keep putting one foot in front of the other.”

New Englander looking for an older woman. Okay, then.

Menopause much?

Brushing your tongue is a thing.

Girls to the front.

Surgery for FGM.

Retirement stuff.

Sex stuff.

And now have a laugh with Yamaneika Saunders.


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