Wednesday BARB Up April 26, 2017.

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It takes a lot of work being nice. Last week, I spoke to a room filled with college students. I told them if there was one professional  gift I could give them, it would be this: Be nice to everyone. That’s right. The power of being nice is indeed a magical trait you can carry with you along for the rest of your career. When your idiot boss is barking at you to order a tuna sandwich, not another egg salad sandwich, sure think your thoughts, but keep the smize in your eyes, listen actively, and do as your supervisor says. Yes, take it. This is not the time to prove a point, to slam your coffee mug on the floor and say, “You suck!” That right there, would be burning a bridge, which goes hand in hand with being nice. Nice goes a long way. Nice allows you to be cooperative. Nice informs the people who work around you an insight to your character. That you will be a person they can rely on. That you will be a person they will hire again. That you are nice. Nice isn’t bland. Nice is cache. The college students, full of passion and vigor, doubted me at first. Examples of not being nice—unreturned calls, ignored emails, being short with others—follow a person along their career. And so, I encouraged the students to stay true to nice. As I do to everyone, and in particular, myself.


The great Mindy Tucker!

My dear friend Brooke Williams is back in full force.

Madonna is not into the movie being made about her.

Ad woman.

Dogs know everything about us.

Pussy has her pride and her past.

Fashion, fighting, and ageism.


When you don’t have sumatriptan, you can try this to fight off a migraine.

No condoms, no sex, yo.

And now have a laugh with Beth Stelling.




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