Wednesday BARB UP October 18, 2017

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Oh yes you can. Yes you can get out of bed. Yes you can walk the dog in the rain. Yes you can answer every email, every text, every everything. Yes you can ask for the laundry to be delivered. Yes you can go to the gym. Yes you can read Joan Didion again. Yes I can speak up. Yes, yes, yes. Shonda Rhimes wrote in The Year Of Yes, “I am not lucky. You know what I am? I am smart, I am talented, I take advantage of the opportunities that come my way and I work really, really hard. Don’t call me lucky. Call me a badass.” Read that again. That affirmation of who you are. That’s the Yes. Stay with it. Yes, yes you can. All the things that have had NO attached to it? Discard as many as possible. Go with your gut, your yes.

Spend the Day In Bed with Morrissey.

More excellent writing about sexual predators. Also, a predator isn’t simply a man with a lot of money. Or the famous ones. It’s possible you yourself have done this to a woman who worked for you, or worked with you, or you followed on the street. If you recognize this behavior in yourself, in your past, reckon with it. Ask for your amends. And try to help your fellow humans to do the same.

Molly Ringwald: “Women have resounded their cri de coeur. Listen.”

Lindy West: “This whole catastrophic cultural moment was born of that same entitlement, of Trump’s paws and Weinstein’s unbelted bathrobe, of the ancient cycles of abuse that ghostwrote the Trump campaign’s real slogan: If I can’t have you, no one will.”

Jim Jeffries: “Chances are that every woman you know has experienced harassment or worse. I thought I was a pretty good guy, what with all the not-raping that I’ve done, but it turns out that’s not enough. It’s a start, but it’s not enough. We need to create a culture where women feel safe coming forward about their experiences, and when they do, we need to hear them.”

Well it’s Halloween season which means more offensive costumes, marketed towards young girls.

Farting in front of your partner.

Perimenopause. It’s funny, typing it out, it looks misspelled and yet it isn’t.

Oh this is how you pronounce  Nxivm:  Nex-e-um. Also ick.

And now have a laugh with Janelle James.


Hurricane Maria Support.

Puerto Rico has been devastated by the recent hurricanes. Your help is needed.

The Maria Fund. “One hundred percent of monies raised will be used to support immediate relief, recovery, and equitable rebuilding in Puerto Rico for the communities hit hardest by the storm.”

Operation Puerto Rico Care-Lift: “The island has been devastated by two back to back Hurricanes in two weeks and has lost 100 percent of its power grid. This disaster happens on the heals of over 10 years of severe economic recession and hardship. And frankly, most people don’t have a way off this Island.” Lara Richardson & Chris Sloan

Support The Girls. Always an advocate for women in need, Dana Marlowe’s set up a donation for Puerto Rican women and girls.

Unidos. “100% of your gift to UNIDOS goes to help children, friends and families recover from the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria and the Mexico City earthquake.”

Unidos Por Aguadilla.  “That’s why we concerned about our towns of Aguadilla and Yauco , where we were born and raised, are creating this fund to funnel 100% of the resources directly to help  the families in need on the West coast of Puerto Rico. ” (Samy Nemir & Hedmanuel Soto)

Unidos Puerto Rico. “United for Puerto Rico is an initiative brought forth by the First lady of Puerto Rico, Beatriz Rosselló in collaboration with the private sector, with the purpose of providing aid and support to those affected in Puerto Rico by the passage of Hurricane Irma and Hurricane María.”



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