The Pause: Entry #2/Tracking My Body While It Does Its Thing.

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January 9, 2018.

I probably should pick up Germaine Greer’s book and start high lighting the passages that appeal to me. What she wrote then certainly applies now, as The Change is universal. Okay, so note to self: get that book.

Last night, was our monthly stand up show, We Hope You Have Fun. I love producing this show. I love the collection of comics that gather. I love watching my daughter tell her jokes. It is a lot of work, putting a monthly show together. I wore a t-shirt, a wool sweater over it, a scarf around my neck throughout the show (jeans too, I was not going around bottomless) and I felt warm, a little bit too warm. Was it The Pause? I took my scarf off at one point. Felt my body chill out a bit. I am suspicious now, of feeling a little too warm. Not trusting what that is, normal or The Pause. It was cold outside, in the low 30’s; not warm at all.

In only a month, I’m wary of what comfort feels like.

I was exhausted by the time I got home. I slept in a t-shirt and the cashmere sweatpants. I felt fine. Not too hot. I got into bed around 11:30, and lights were out by midnight. I woke up twice throughout the night to use the bathroom, once at 1:30 and the second time at 5:11. Fell right back asleep. I did not feel fluctuations of heat. I felt…fine. Covers on, feet outside them. A restful, peaceful night of sleep.

So, that’s encouraging.


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