Monday BARB UP July 29, 2019

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Oh wow, how is it July 29th already? This is my third summer blogging; writing once a week, or sometimes every day, is a life raft, a safety mechanism for sanity, for connection, happiness. There is joy in doing something you love, something that’s yours, something that you have autonomy over.  BARB has made me so happy. I feel creative. I feel involved in the world. I feel interested. I’m owning my creativity. And I’m loving it. I thank you for reading this. For being a part of it. For sharing. For commenting. For supporting me. Your support? It’s everything.

Kamala Harris: “Because there are a bunch of black and brown babies who are being neglected by a system because nobody expects anything from them anyway. Children are missing 50, 60, up to 80 days of a 180-day school year. Beautiful, smart children with great capacity. If that had been in some rich neighborhood, the alarms would’ve been going off. So I decided to take the issue on, because I know what those babies are capable of.”

Jasmine Guillory: “I wanted to see more romances about Black women.”

Women taking care of women, elder care style.

Black Lightning, coming to you, soon.

A true crime in every American state. No, really.

And now have a laugh with Jacqueline Novak.


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