And a good Monday to you, my sweet dears. I have been writing for the last few months about my life. About what’s on my mind. About me, me, me. And today when I woke up, I thought, well, what do you want? What do you want to read about? Or for me to write about? And even better, would you be interested in writing? As I start to think about next steps, I want to know what it is you’re looking for. Because that too, is important to me. You can let me know here, on Facebook, on Instagram. Seriously. Just start typing and hit send.
Madonna: “It’s an outdated, patriarchal idea that a woman has to stop being fun, curious, adventurous, beautiful, or sexy past the age of 40.”
Beyonce at Coachella is all the rage.
Remember Samantha Stevens?
Sex workers got fucked on this one.
Women who are mothers who are running for office.
Becky Hammon and the NBA.
Oh, the adolescent years.
And now have a laugh with Ali Wong.