Tuesday BARB UP January 2, 2018

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2018. In general, I am not a resolution maker. I make decisions to do and not do things. And I like to commit to those things for a year. So in 2016, I did the 50 Book Challenge. I read a book a week, and continue to maintain that as a pace. I also gave up sugar and bread for a year. I joined a gym and went methodically for a year. In about a month, I will try a new challenge of being in bed by 11pm. But that’s a February 1 goal. Today, or rather yesterday, I decided that I would not indulge in purchases for myself for one year. This includes clothing (shoes, dresses, skirts, pants, shorts, swimwear, tops, outwear and winterwear), jewelry, sunglasses, and handbags.  This does not include necessities such as undergarments, socks, leggings. Also under the umbrella of indulgences are books and magazines, apps, electronics and cosmetics. What is acceptable? Hair care. Toiletries. Eye-care wear. I believe as I forge into this road, my lists of do’s and don’ts will evolve. It is my hope that by March, my Facebook feed won’t tempt me with sales at Shopbop, that my friends will toss their hand-me-downs my way, that I will develop a new and healthier relationship with my wallet. The latter is what I truly want for myself. So I am happy with my decision. And I welcome all the items of clothing you don’t want that are in the smallish size dimensions.

The very powerful and wealthy women of Hollywood are helping the rest of us who have been or are being harassed and assaulted.

LaToya Cantrell: “I think this wave of women being elected to leadership is giving them a voice and empowering them, in that they do not have to be afraid anymore. That’s why we see these women raising the issue of sexual harassment; they’re no longer living in fear.”

Rebecca Rusch:  “Fifteen years ago, when a sponsor gave me $15,000 I thought, ‘What can I offer them?’ Because I didn’t feel I was worthy. Now, I know I have a lot to offer these sponsors. I know it’s not a handout. I have what they need now.”

I tried out some skincare product from SpaRitual. Check out my review here.

The lighter side of sexting.

So fiber is good for you?

And now have a laugh with Jackie Kashian.


This. I would totally use.




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