Monday BARB UP April 9, 2018

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I have for as long as I remember wanted to be a writer. As a girl, I would use notebooks, and pour story after story into them, written in the smallest of type, trying to fit as many words as possible in between the lines of the composition books. I wrote about what I knew, like any writer: my life. My life as a third grader, my life as a fifth grader, my life as an any grader. In retrospect, those fictional accounts were extrapolations of my reality, my observations of the people I knew (other kids), the family I emulated (my neighbors) and a take on my own (always entertaining). I haven’t stopped writing; obviously, you’re reading me here. My dream book is to publish a vampire detective series. (It’s so good!) (Yes, it’s written!) (No, I haven’t tried to sell it yet.) That I love fantasy is a tip to my Dad, who was a sci-fi buff; Asimov a staple of my Dad’s diet. I do like vampires and werewolves. I like the extreme extrapolation of reality that it is. I’m happy writing called to me. I can always get lost in some imaginary story that I’m crafting; I’ll always have that at my fingertips. And every so often, I will reread Margueritte Duras or Raymond Chandler as a reminder of the kind of writing I aspire to. Mostly, I just want to get lost in something. If you have suggestions, please send them my way.

Natalie Perilo: “I would love to see behavioral science utilized in every business to address: Workplace motivation, performance management, leadership strategies, communication, and diversity issues.”

New show I am into: Killing Eve.

Molly Ringwald, on the sketchy nature of John Hughes.

If you were a fan of The Office, you’ll enjoy this oral history of an episode.

Do you know what a JUUL is?

Donate $$ to Surge, a documentary about the future that is government and female.

Play the Mean Girls quotes game!

Women who box. Is there crying in boxing?

And now have a laugh with Nikki Glaser.


Artist: Jane Mount



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